Five Minute Parent


Hello, and thank you for visiting Five Minute Parent! We’re a group of committed parents who have experienced the highs and lows of child rearing firsthand. Our goal is to aid new and seasoned parents alike in coping with the challenges of raising a family.

We at Five Minute Parent understand how demanding and time-consuming parenthood can be. That’s why we only offer advice that can be put into practice in five minutes or less. We think that improving the lives of parents and children can begin with quite minor adjustments.

Our staff of professional writers and parents is dedicated to provide you with interesting and relevant articles. Everything from how kids grow and learn to their physical and mental health is discussed.

We’re also cognizant of the fact that no two households are alike, and that certain solutions may be more appropriate than others. So that parents can make the greatest decision for their children, we present multiple points of view and methods.

No matter where you are on the parenting spectrum — from newbie to seasoned pro — Five Minute Parent is here to help. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments; we value your input.

We appreciate you using Five Minute Parent as your primary parenting resource.